We understand the unique and sensitive nature of family law.
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Sherman Oaks Domestic Partnerships Attorney

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California Domestic partnerships might be the ideal solution for some couples. These partnerships are available to same-sex couples and elderly opposite-sex couples. Our family law attorneys in Sherman Oaks specialize in this evolving legal field and can help you understand the rights and benefits associated with a domestic partnership. We bring extensive experience, expertise, and sensitivity to the negotiation and preparation of each domestic partnership agreement.

Ending a domestic partnership can be a stressful and challenging experience. As seasoned Sherman Oaks divorce attorneys, we support our clients through this difficult period, aiming to minimize conflict and guide them in making the best legal decisions throughout the dissolution process. Contact us today by calling (818) 205-9090 for a free consultation.

California Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for a domestic partnership in California, you must live together, not be married to someone else in any state, and not be related by blood. For same-sex couples, both partners must be over 18. For opposite-sex couples, at least one partner must be over 62 and eligible for Social Security benefits. 

Registration as domestic partners involves filing a declaration with the California Secretary of State. Like marriage, domestic partnerships involve shared property, debts, and support obligations. Dissolving a California domestic partnership also has the same requirements as a divorce.

Rights afforded to domestic partners include access to life and auto insurance, healthcare and medical emergency privileges, employment benefits, the ability to utilize step-parent adoption procedures, and protections in the event of a partner’s death. Responsibilities involve mutual liability for each other’s debts, including medical bills, shared ownership of community property, and the obligation to provide partner support if the relationship ends. Given the intricacies of California’s domestic partnership laws, seeking advice from a knowledgeable domestic partnerships attorney in Sherman Oaks is essential.

Benefits of a California Domestic Partnership

California recognizes domestic partnerships, granting partners the same treatment as married couples under state law. Benefits include:

  • Death benefits
  • Parental leave
  • Shared insurance benefits
  • Sick or bereavement leave
  • Housing rights
  • Tuition reduction

However, domestic partnerships are not recognized at the federal level. Therefore, domestic partners do not qualify for federal benefits like joint federal tax filing or Social Security derivative benefits. 

This area of family law is rapidly changing, and navigating these complexities requires expert advice. Diarian & Bociaga domestic partnerships lawyers in Sherman Oaks are well-versed in the latest domestic partnership legal developments and can guide you through these changes.

Domestic Partnership vs. Marriage

A domestic partnership offers legal recognition of a relationship, providing many of the same benefits, property rights, and statuses as marriage. Before same-sex marriage was legalized, domestic partnerships were a crucial option for same-sex couples. Some couples still prefer domestic partnerships over marriage because they are recognized in more states. Both domestic partnerships and marriages require legal action to dissolve.

Contact a Sherman Oaks Domestic Partnerships Attorney Today

With the family law legal landscape constantly changing, it is important to stay informed about your options and rights. The experienced Sherman Oaks domestic partnership lawyers at Diarian & Bociaga are here to help you navigate this complex area of law and ensure you receive all the advantages provided by new legislation. Contact us today to discuss your domestic partnership needs.