We understand the unique and sensitive nature of family law.
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Sherman Oaks Uncontested Divorce Lawyer 

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Divorce can be an emotional and contentious time for the entire family. Spouses often feel as though the other has wronged them in some way or is responsible for ending the marriage. However, if you and your spouse can work together to dissolve the marriage amicably, an uncontested divorce can make the process a much less painful experience for all involved parties.

Working with a compassionate and highly experienced Sherman Oaks uncontested divorce lawyer from Diarian & Bociaga means you may be able to agree to divorce terms and finalize your marriage sooner. Several important details will need to be discussed before you can secure your divorce decree. Contact our Sherman Oaks divorce attorneys to protect your interests and start to move forward with your life.

Benefits of Hiring a Sherman Oaks Uncontested Divorce Attorney

An uncontested divorce is the best-case scenario when it comes to the end of your marriage. When your divorce is uncontested, it makes separating your marital property and assets that much easier. You may not argue with your spouse about whether alimony should be paid and if so, how much.

However, that does not mean you should go into an uncontested divorce without proper legal representation. You are going to want a high-powered, uncontested divorce lawyer in Sherman Oaks to help ensure your rights are protected. You do not want to let your guard down only to find out that what you thought was an amicable divorce turned out to be your soon-to-be ex-spouse taking advantage of you. Our team will do everything possible to ensure you receive the fair treatment you deserve throughout the divorce proceedings.

Requirements for an Uncontested Divorce

You can get an uncontested divorce if both spouses agree to all settlement terms in advance. When you file for an uncontested divorce, you can get a “default judgment” as described under California Family Code 2330.5. Here, you will not need to attend any divorce hearings. Instead, the courts will simply approve your divorce. To successfully move through an uncontested divorce:

  • The 90-day county residency requirements as described under California Family Code 2320
  • Both spouses must agree that the marriage has been irretrievably broken
  • You have already determined and agreed on how your marital assets will be divided
  • You have already implemented child custody, parenting plan, and child support orders

If you meet these requirements, you need to file a joint affidavit with the county clerk’s office. Our Sherman Oaks family law documentation preparation lawyers can help ensure all documents are properly completed and filed correctly. After these steps are taken care of, neither spouse will need to be served. Neither spouse will need to appear for a hearing if the affidavit is complete and accepted by the court. However, if there are any inconsistencies or regularities in the affidavit, the judge may order a hearing.

Contact a Top-Rated Uncontested Divorce Attorney in Sherman Oaks for Help Today

When you and your spouse are ready to end your marriage on halfway decent or even amicable terms, an uncontested divorce may be your best option. When you can work together to determine how your marital assets and property will be divided and whether alimony will be paid on a temporary or longer-term basis, you can finalize your divorce sooner and start to rebuild your life.

Your dedicated Sherman Oaks uncontested divorce attorney from Diarian & Bociaga can help you ensure you are not taken advantage of and protect your best interests. Do not hesitate to contact our office to initiate your divorce petition. You can reach us by phone or through our secured contact form to schedule your confidential consultation as soon as today.